Our Tiny Turtles
Last fall we inherited 4 baby box turtles and have enjuoyed having them. We had to keep them in an indoor tank setup to keep them warm over the winter because they didn't yet have enough body fat to insulate them while they hibernated. They do need full spectrum sunlight though to grow well. We bit the bullet and bought a $40 light bulb which worked very well until it broke. By then the weather was warm enough to bring them outside during the days to get some real sunlight. They loved crawling around under the large milk crate we set on the lawn. Then yesterday they loved even more crawling around the whole backyard (and beyond?) when someone (Ida?) let them all out of their cage. We spent a couple of hours crawling around the backyard ourselves looking in all the good turtle hiding places and successfully found 2 of them, but the other two (as Erin put it) are having the time of their lives out in the big wide world, until a racoon finds them a tasty snack and they go have a better time in turtle heaven. Good luck little turtles, wherever you are!