The Grumblies

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Day of Water Safety

While Charlie was at the pool today with his Boy Scout Troop working on the Lifesaving badge, Ruth and I were taking a Sea Kayaking class in the estuary learning how to stroke safely and how to do two types of rescues, self and with a partner.  Charlie is exhausted, Ruth is exhausted, I am exhausted but also exhilarated!  I had a wonderful time! Our rescuing of each other went very smoothly, but I dunked myself two extra times when trying to self rescue.  Luckily, the weather was wonderful-- sun, not too hot,  and little wind.   Charlie will finish up the badge at the next meeting on Wednesday with swimming rescues, Ruth and I are now qualified to take Sea Kayaking II; I am looking forward to it after practicing the techniques we learned today for about 6 months :-)